FIP Skupiny a komunity
- Australia: FIP Warriors Australia & New Zealand
- Austria: FIPfree – Feline Infectious Peritonitis ist heilbar
- Austria: FIPfree Austria – Feline Infektiöse Peritonitis ist heilbar
- Azerbaijan, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine: Воины ФИП (Инфекционный Перитонит Кошек) – Facebook
- Azerbaijan, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine: Воины ФИП (Инфекционный Перитонит Кошек) – VK
- Brasil: PIF Brasil | FIP Warriors Brasil ®
- Bulgaria: FIP Bulgaria
- Canada: FIP Cats Canada
- China & Hong-Kong: FIP 腹膜炎 (最新資訊) 治療群組
- Colombia: PIF Warriors Colombia®
- Czechia/Slovakia: FIP Warriors CZ/SK
Oficialna skupina pre Českú republiku a Slovensko - FIP Advisory and Care Group
Web - FIP Advisory and Care Group
Facebook skupina - FIP Cat Support
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) Support - FIP resources around the world – SOCKFIP
- France: Coronavirus et PIF Péritonite infectieuse féline
- France: FIP Warriors France
Facebook stránka - Germany, Luxembourg: FIPfree – Feline Infectious Peritonitis ist heilbar
- Germany: FIP Support Germany
- Germany: FIP Warriors Deutschland
- Global: FIP Fighters
- Global: FIP Global Cats
- Global: FIP Warriors 5.0
- Global: FIP Warriors- Veterinarians
- Hungary: FIP Magyarország
- India: India FIP Warriors
- Ireland: FIPFree Ireland
- Italy: FIP Warriors Italia
- Malaysia: Warga Kucing FIP Malaysia
- Mexico: PIF Warriors México (FIP Warriors México)
- Netherlands & Belgium: FIP Warriors Nederland – België
- Poland: FIP Polska
- Portugal: FIP warriors ® Portugal
- Portugal: FIP Warriors Portugal
- Portugal: Luta Contra PIF / FIP Portugal – Warriors
- Romania: FIP Warriors Romania
- Russia: Воины ФИП (FIP Warriors) – Лечим Инфекционный Перитонит у кошек
- Singapore: Singapore FIP Warriors
- Spain: PIF W España
- Sweden: Kampen mot FIP
- Switzerland: FIPfree Switzerland- Feline Infektiöse Peritonitis ist heilbar
- Turkey: Fip warriors Turkiye
- Turkey: FİP’li Kedi Sahipleri
- UK & Ireland: FIP Global CATS (UK and Ireland – Treatment Support)
- United Kingdom: UK FIP Warriors Support Group